Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Did the iPhone Stay?

When my last smart-phone, the Sony Ericsson P910 began to die mid last year after four and a half years, I went hunting. A friend, (thanks, Joel), let me use his Nokia N95 after he took on the then new iPhone 3G qualifying that the N95 was the best he'd ever owned. Soon after I heard of the Nokia N96 and decided to order that. The N95 went back to Joel in December when I got the N96.

Unfortunately, the N96 took a back seat to the N95 in usability, so while still able, I sent the N96 packing. Right around then, Google gave out their annual bonus in kind - the unlocked G1. I got to use the G1 on the AT&T network for a few months (thanks, SBG). Nokia had announced the N97 in Dec 08 just as I had got the N96.

To cut the story short, SBG wanted his annual bonus back before the N97 was shipping, to fill the gap, I borrowed an old SE P1i - ouch! I got antsy, ordered the Nokia 5800XM which some claimed to be an iPhone killer - NOT! That went back and I then got the Nokia E75. I have to admit, I liked the E75 - a solid player if you are ok with a non-touch, small screen phone. Solid performer. I had pre-ordered the N97 so the E75 had to go. Then Nokia messed up my pre-order - long story - and in retaliation, I found myself in line on June 22nd at the Apple store.

Brandyn J at the Valley Fair Apple store took great care of me as a customer - I was totally impressed, he assured me I'd have no trouble bringing it back after trying it for 30 days - that's now! Will I go back to the Apple store today?

To all who read my last blog, 'i' Feel Squished by the iPhone thank you! Special thanks to reinharden for his elaborate comments, and PBG - you have it spot on - you captured how I feel and I too hope companies put products out there that are not artificially debilitated like the 3Gs.

If I were to take the iPhone back, I would have to get the N97 from Nokia nothing else comes close on the AT&T network. Unfortunately, being a gen-1 device, it needs much work - the blog post:

sealed the deal. Sean says it well and while he has not taken "the iPhone plunge (blasted contracts!)", I completely relate.

The iPhone deserves to be my 1st contract phone on over 10 years and my very 1st Apple product EVER - and I will continue to rile about my displeasure with the hope of getting others to join in make noise; collectively becoming the squeaky wheel.

My iPhone stays!

About the Banner: Tioga Lake looking looking West from the Eastern shore in June, 2009.

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