Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Stinting Lipids Without Statins (II) - Resources

In this 2nd segment of the series on my journey stinting lipids without statins, I list below the main set of resources I used to achieve my own outcome. From the mundane to the complex - I hope this list becomes a good collection worth referring to. I'll add to it as I remember them, so do return.

Reference material:
  1. Sugar Busters! Cut Sugar to Trim Fat - brought clear understanding of how carbohydrates & sugars metabolize. This book helped me pick the right foods.
  2. The Daily Plate - Now a Livestrong property - this site has a very rich database of foods, e.g. you don't have to guess the breakdown of samosas! It helped me keep a close track of my calorie intake - I only used this for three weeks - after that I knew. [Update: MyFitnessPal site and their apps for iOS and Android may be the modern day alternative].
  3. The Glycemic Index - A reference site to determine the glycemic index and load of common foods.
  4. Roasted Gram - भुना चना - (black chickpeas roasted) A snack with glycemic index of 31. If consumed with the husk it may provide dietary fiber too. Nutritional info is available here.
  5. Kidney Bean White (Phaseolus vulgaris) Powdered - when given with a starchy meal, has been shown to reduce the subsequent rise in blood sugar levels of both healthy people and diabetics. I have a story to tell you - this thing really works! I only used it for about 2 months after which I did not feel the need. This is also available in capsule form under the amylase inhibitor category of nutritional supplements.
  6. A balanced multi-vitamin - I have been using is Vitacost Synergy GlucoPower Multi-Vitamin. This composition adds botanical extracts of pomegranate, bitter mellon, turmeric, etc. to aid in diabetic health. Choosing a vitamin can be tricky - this product was recommended and I've not experimented.
  7. Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) - I saw my Triglycerides go up during one period when I reduced taking EFAs. I brought it back into my regimen after that to restore levels. I use the Mega EFA® Omega-3 EPA & DHA, I have also tried Krill Oil, Flax seed oil and plain fish oil - I finally settled on this variety. Note: the fastest way to drop triglycerides is to drop some pounds and keep them off. And Finally the main component:
  8. Niacin - Vitamin B3. Heavily researched, published but poorly promoted, IMO because no one can really make money on it. In order to add value, pharma has come up with a) non-flushing niacin; b) slow-release niacin; etc. so they can charge their preferred prices. I have exclusively used the regular Niacin from Vitacost.
Let me add a few links to reading material that I found useful:
1 - Niacin (Vitamin B3) Lowers High Cholesterol Safely. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, September 30, 2005. A PDF is also available.
2 - See what the American Heart Association says about Lipid-Lowering Therapies (scroll to the middle of the page) - a must read for anyone considering niacin therapy.
3 - While you are at it read what Mayo Clinic has to say about Niacin 

In my next post, I'll walk through the variables that caused my trajectory on the lipid chart - while mine is just one data point - the observed cause and effect may be indicative of a valid correlation.

Caveat Emptor: Notwithstanding anything you read anywhere, your doctor should have the final word. As mine does for me.

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Header Photo: Sunset in Bodega Bay - April, 2002.

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